Sonntag, 28. Februar 2016

☆working on battle arena, textures of the statue☆

For this week I decided to start improving my Battle Arena.
I changed; 
  • The size of the different Islands
  •  improved the low ploy tree and made it rounder than it was before
  • the shape of the different Islands to make them look more like actual rocks
  • shape and size of the swirly plants and added more rocks in the Background

In the upcoming week I am going to adjust the textures of the islands and add more plants on the edges of the islands. 

Statue progress with Textures


Freitag, 26. Februar 2016

Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016

☆Progress starting menu and Sprite Sheets☆

Background for the starting menu

I started off by giving my team a few ideas of backgrounds we could use for our game after we decided that we wouldn't use a portrait of the character for the starting menu.

We decided to go with the version of her looking into the distance.
I then proceeded by adding simple line art for the character in the same way I finished the sprites and add a faded city in the background.

finalized version of Bianca starring into nowhere for the starting menu.

First sprite sheet animation for walking and idle sheets

EDIT 22.02

Used Videos for understanding animation in photoshop

☆Insect Assignment part 2☆

For the second part of this 2 week Assignment I finished my Mothgirl Design
Below you can see the progress of the Design

(Colours and Textures are from the death hawk moth)

Entire progress from sketch all the way to the finished piece

Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2016