Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016

☆2D Game - finding a theme and sketching☆

Spring Submission 2016, 2D Game

For our Spring Submission 2016 we decided on a Stream punk inspired Theme for our Game.

Mood board for Steam punk elements we were thinking of using in our game such as cogs, clocks rusty metal, goggles and robots with a very rusty and old look to them.


Due to our Stream punk theme the primary colours for our Game are Green, Gold, Bronze, Copper and different shades of brown Black.

For highlight colours we were thinking about sky blue or crimson red which are also going to be used in environment and character.

Mood board for environment/Steam punk Fashion

The Art style of the game is going to be heavily inspired of mobile Games and contains therefore a lot of cell shading and simple lines of the characters.

Simple sketches and ideas for character and art style for the sprite sheet
Very rough sketch for the characters cloths

first sprite rough for our game.
we decided on very heavy cell shading for character and more details  for backgrounds and textures for an even balance within the game.


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