Sonntag, 15. November 2015

☆Walking Simulator Update 15/11/15 - 3D Models☆

After working on the Models and Brainstorming Ideas for what I'm going to include for the Winter Summission, I finally started to put in basic coding into the game and started to work on the lighting/soundeffects.

The Background Music is going to be "Sunken Crypt" which is the seventh piece to the Alice: Madness Returns Original Soundtrack by Jason Tai.

The following pictures are my current Progress on what the game looks like in Unity at the Moment.

Overview on the entire Map

Starting point
*Music starts playing.*
The first door on the left seems to be slightly opened - you decide to try to find something to open the door with. 

*As you walk through the first part of the Train you hear Metal scrating sounds.*

In the second part of the Train you find a stuffed bunny with a key infront of it.
You take the key - *bunny giggels in response*
You continue walking and unlock the Door to the next part of the Train.

 All the seats in this part of the Train are filled with the stuffed bunny plushies.
*They all start giggeling/laughing at you until you go to the "lastroom"*

You find yourself in a Room that is filled with Mushrooms and a weird Plattfrom with a set of stairs leading you to the top.

You find a Crowbar - pick it up and go back to the first coach where you can now unlock the door.

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