Samstag, 26. September 2015

☆ Beep Boop Robot attack ☆

For the first practice we had to come up with an idea for a robot.
 I tried to come up with something that could be some sort of a robot companion.
I wanted to create something inspired on BB8 from the new Star Wars and Eva from Walle-E - something with a lot of round or circle features to give it as smooth feeling.
I don't wanted to to have many edges or squares, since I always felt uncormfortable drawing robots or in general characters/enviroments with hard or bulky components.
However... over time I did start liking the idea of having something like a mech suit over a simple companion robot - so i came up with this:
It's name is CB87
I started to add more and more things that it might be able to do and ended up coming up with a whole backstory and ideas, from in which time period it could exist to what its purpose is.
The biggest issue i encountered happend to be its final colour.
I wanted it to look fast and light at the same time and also to have a nice bright colour that is not to flashy.
Blue seemed to plain to be a fitting colour - gray was nice but had the same effect as the orange colour. It made it look very boring and it just didn't seem to fit at all.
I was scared at first that the Lavender/purple might be to flashy for it, but at the same time i always came back to it - so i decided to just give it a go with the following result:
I started to apply Wisteria, which appeared blue gray on the scanned version.
I was very pleased with the outcome of the Lavender once I started to spread it over the rest of the robot - since it worked out to be a very nice combination with the darker blue grey that I happend to apply beforehand.

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