Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

☆ Battle arena Update - Happiest day of my life. I made Curves in Maya ☆

I worked over my idea of having my arena in a forest and decided that I want to have something more like a floating rock with trees and platforms on it.

Below you can see the elements of my Mood Board that I would like to use in my Arena.

My rough sketch for the arena looks like this.
I want to model huge rocks with swirls on them and have my arena have a lot of round shapes as shown below.

rough 3D Model of how I want the arena to look like

☆ Crusty Crab Mood Board ☆

Mood Board for my crustacean assignment.
I decided to mainly focus my studies on the claws of crabs and the shape of shrimps.
For colour scheme I have reds and purple in mind. 

☆ Life Drawing session #2 ☆


Samstag, 26. September 2015

☆ Life Drawing session #1 ☆

Not the best quality for the picture but sor some reason i struggled to transfer the full sizes picture from my ipad to laptop :c
It was a really good experience to do a life drawing.
I still have a lot to learn but I had so much fun trying it out <3

☆ Perspective practice ☆

Small practice on perspective - done with watercolour and fine liner

☆ Beep Boop Robot attack ☆

For the first practice we had to come up with an idea for a robot.
 I tried to come up with something that could be some sort of a robot companion.
I wanted to create something inspired on BB8 from the new Star Wars and Eva from Walle-E - something with a lot of round or circle features to give it as smooth feeling.
I don't wanted to to have many edges or squares, since I always felt uncormfortable drawing robots or in general characters/enviroments with hard or bulky components.
However... over time I did start liking the idea of having something like a mech suit over a simple companion robot - so i came up with this:
It's name is CB87
I started to add more and more things that it might be able to do and ended up coming up with a whole backstory and ideas, from in which time period it could exist to what its purpose is.
The biggest issue i encountered happend to be its final colour.
I wanted it to look fast and light at the same time and also to have a nice bright colour that is not to flashy.
Blue seemed to plain to be a fitting colour - gray was nice but had the same effect as the orange colour. It made it look very boring and it just didn't seem to fit at all.
I was scared at first that the Lavender/purple might be to flashy for it, but at the same time i always came back to it - so i decided to just give it a go with the following result:
I started to apply Wisteria, which appeared blue gray on the scanned version.
I was very pleased with the outcome of the Lavender once I started to spread it over the rest of the robot - since it worked out to be a very nice combination with the darker blue grey that I happend to apply beforehand.

☆ Who am I - Who are you? ☆

Hey there,
my Name is Sarah Buettner - I'm 19 years old and I study Computer Games Arts at UCA Farnham based in the UK.
The purpose of this Blog is to help me to keep track of my work and to improve my own skills for the duration of the course.

For the next few days I'll try to upload some of the work that I've done for Uni so far and get the Blog up and running.
☆ Feel free to join me on this journey called ''University'' ☆